IBM X The Weather Channel

Client: IBM / Weather Channel App

What do the weather and allergies have in common? A lot more than you’d think.
That’s why IBM teamed up with The Weather Channel to develop an entirely new kind of forecast—a hyper-local allergy forecast- to help people do the impossible, get their allergies under control.

We ran a series of geo-targeted social and digital OOH ads around the country (with a hint of local linguistic flavor) to help people understand their allergy risk in real time at their specific location and drive home the connection between weather and allergies.

In motion…

Low allergy levels

Moderate allergy levels

High allergy levels

In the world…

We created a series of living DOOH boards that would reflect real-time allergy levels in a specific location.

We used contextual ad placements informed by flight departures to reflect real-time allergy levels in cities across the country.

In airports…

On social.

We created a series of geo-targeted ads for a hyper-local allergy forecast with a little local flavor.


Role: Copywriter
AD: Aneta Klekotko
CD: Julianne Hadem
ECD: Jeff Curry, Natalie Lam


Love Thyself - Citizens


FastLine HELOC- Citizens