Client: IBM
When you’re a tech company as big as IBM, it’s hard to talk about all the things you do in digestible way. That’s why we created NIBL- a curiously bite-sized content series that asks curious questions to highlight IBM’s unsung breakthroughs in technology.
What fits on a fingernail and can help fight climate change?
The technology in IBM’s 2-nm chip is the first of its kind. Projected to use 75% less energy than 7-nm chips, it could slash the carbon footprint of the world’s data centers and keep our phones charged for days.
Why do we know more about the surface of the Moon than the bottom of the ocean?
Answers to humanity’s most vexing problems may be 20,000 leagues under the sea. We’re sending the Mayflower into uncharted territory to plumb the depths and uncover them.
How are thousands of Fantasy Football fans making smarter trades a reality?
IBM Watson is helping ESPN analyze a massive number of stats, opinions and recommendations to deliver insights to help fantasy players make more informed decisions. If AI can do that for fantasy football, imagine what it can do for business.
What if a factory could express its feelings?
By combining edge computing with 5G, IBM & Verizon Business are bringing AI to the factory floor – so hiccups, glitches and breakdowns can be predicted and addressed in real-time, reducing waste and improving workplace safety.
How do you make wellness personal for
40 million people?
Working with IBM, Anthem is personalizing healthcare management. AI can now provide their 40 million members with more personalized interactions, and it’s transforming Anthem from a reactive to a proactive partner for wellness. Learn more.
Can a QR code get you back to what you love?
From air travel to indoor concerts – or even heading back to the office – IBM’s blockchain-based Digital Health Pass can help us return to the things we love, while keeping our personal information private.
Is a lock harder to pick when it’s made of millions of tiny locks?
With malware and ransomware attacks increasing dramatically, IBM’s Power10 servers support end-to-end security with encryption built into the hardware itself. So whether your data is at rest or in use, Power10 encrypts it faster. Learn more.
Why should you trust a cybersecurity provider that trusts no one?
IBM’s zero-trust approach to security starts with the assumption that users and networks may already be compromised. When connections are validated with analytics and AI, suspicious activity can be found early and the cost of a breach can be minimized.
Role: Copywriter
AD: Aneta Klekotko
CD: Gina Whitt, Mark Girand
ECD: Dinesh Kapoor